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Tag: dermatalk

Useful Tips for Junior Derms -1: Develop a Robust Bond with Patients

Any doctor passing out of his alma mater, be it the MBBS, MS or MD/ DVD, the general impression is that once the university grants a degree and there is reasonable amount of confidence, he or she is ready for private practice. Having found a rented space or own premises, the neo-dermatologist is ready to …

Injection Lipolysis

What is Injection Lipolysis?  Injection lipolysis or a form of mesotherapy or mesolipolysis, is a non-invasive procedure that requires multiple fine injections of active ingredients into the treatment area beneath the skin to damage lipocytes and thus reduce fat. This can be an effective treatment to remove stubborn pockets of fat on the face, neck …

Epidermal Barrier Function and its Relevance to Aesthetic Techniques

SKIN – The largest organ of the body accounts for approximate 16% of total body weight. It is not merely an inert body coverage, but it fulfils several important functions such as defensive, thermoregulatory, excretory, metabolite and sensory. Healthy skin is necessary to provide protection against the physical, chemical and biological environmental factors. The major …

Injectology – Bringing Rheology Into Your Clinic Settings

Introduction Aesthetic medicine is a rapidly evolving field. Over the last decade, there has been a conceptual shift infacial rejuvenation, from removal and reconstructive surgeries to volume restoration and facial lifting using multiple modalities. While we strive to move the profession forward with new technologies and products, it is very important for us to revisit …

The A- Z of HIFU

In today’s fast paced life, patients have been more inclined towards skin tightening and rejuvenation procedures with little or no downtime. The current trend is to opt for noninvasive procedures which offer superior and long lasting results comparable to surgical treatments but without the risk or downtime associated with surgery.There are several treatmentoptions available ranging …

Hyaluronic Acid: An Underused Wonder Molecule

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a very versatile molecule, with a ubiquitous presence in the human body. It is found in the vitreous humour of the eye, the synovial fluid, extracellular matrix, bones, cartilage, umbilical cord, neural tissue and most importantly, the skin, where 50% of the total body HA is. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES: HA …