Wall of Fame Achievers (November 2021) - Ethicare Remedies

Wall of Fame Achievers (November 2021)

Wall of Fame Achievers (November 2021)

Ethicare Remedies believes in honoring the top performers who are instrumental in the growth of the company. These are the champions who go the ‘extra mile’, who have formed roots with the ETHICARE values, mission, and vision.

We are proud that Ethicare has never lacked for competitive spirit – as each member is striving hard for the growth of the company which leads to their personal growth too!

This ‘Wall of Fame’is a special way to recognize these performers and honor them for their hard-work, dedication and contribution towards the growth of the company. Every month we announce outstanding performers from different designations across the country.

This month we are bringing forth the Ethicarians who have played a major role in the growth of the company. These are the heroes of our team who ‘go the extra mile’ for making Ethicare what is it!

Proudly announcing the Wall of Fame Winners for November 2021.

Virtual Wall Of Fame



With his extra efforts, the team has been able to achieve twice double the sales within just 9 months this year as compared to last year in one of our vital projects - Brand You. Not only this, Mr Chirag has willingly taken efforts to lead the operations and due to his support in operations the sales of the project have increased which is commendable and noteworthy.
Congratulations on taking this leap and keep up the good work!